Sunday, December 12, 2010


Unit 12
10: 1. were found
2. examined lifted
4. is found
5. will be made
6. will be cleaned
7. be put
8. have been discovered
11: 1. An expedition is being prepared by John Mills to the North pole
2.The expedition will be filmed by many TV networks
3. The expedition is being gone to show by they on national television
4. All the necessary equipment has been already bought by John Mill
5.An observation camp is being gone to set up by he there
6. Objections to this expedition have been raised by many people

Unit 13
12: 1. Famine: The starring people have been sent food to help by them
2. Earthquake: It was shook awake by it
3. Volcanic eruption: Warning’s was gave by television stations before it exploded
4. Flood: Even more rain is expected by the weather reporters in the next few days
5. Drought: People has been asked by the government not to waste water
14: 1. Will be sent
2. are being taken
3. weren’t informed
4. was dropped on the
5. have been found
6. have been by rescued
7. is being carried by

15: 1.The town Hall was burnt by James Smith last month. He was sent by the judge to prison for five
2. A serious accident was caused by a careless driver, he is being gone to send by them to prison for four years.
3.An old lady was being attacking by Craig Me Drew when police arrested him last week. He has been sent by judge to prison a for fifteen years.

Unit 14

12: 1. I wish I hadn’t lied to my best friend.
2. I wish I couldn’t afford to go on holiday.
3. I wish I hadn’t broken my legs hurts.
4. I wish I hadn’t failed my exams.
5. I wish my mum wasn’t angry with me.
6. I wish I hadn’t missed an important meeting.
7. I wish I was old enough to get a driving licence.
13: 1. I wish I had a friend. If I had a friend , I couldn’t feel lonely.
2. I wish I had a job. If I had a job, I might be happy.
3. I wish I hadn’t a headache. If I hadn’t a headache, I would work faster.
14: 1. I wish we had checked petrol tank. If we had checked petrol tank, it wouldn’t have run out of petrol.
2. I wish I woken up early. If I woken up early I wouldn’t miss the bus.
3. I wish I had been careful. If I had been careful , I couldn’t twist my knee.
15: 1. Couldn’t fired
2. hadn’t spend
3. had
4. would found
5. finds
6. didn’t have to
7. will lose
8. wouldn’t have been
9. would have been
10. had followed, wouldn’t lose

Unit 15

14: 1. to take part
2. to learn
3. to play
4. to try
5. being
6. to exercise
7. finding
8. to paradise
9. becoming
16: 1. Playing
2. to play
3. practise
4. to doing, doing
5. be
6. meet
7. seeing
8. to get up play
10. tidy

Unit 16

14: 1.dry yourself
2. burnt herself
3. hurt himself
4. help yourself
5. enjoyed himself
6. killed themselves
15: 1. Will be
2. lost
3. wouldn’t have died
4. would have passed
6. stop

Unit 17
16: 1. Such
2. so
3. so
4. such a
19: 1. Enough
2. enough
3. too
4. too
6. enough
7. too
20: 1.The bridge was too low for the lorry to pass under.
The bridge wasn’t high enough the lorry to pass under.
The bridge so high that the lorry couldn’t pass under.
It was such a low bridge that the lorry couldn’t pass under.
2.This ocean is not warm enough for tropical fish to survive in.
This ocean is too cold for tropical fish to survive in.
This ocean is so cold that the tropical fish to survive in.
It is such a cold ocean that the tropical fish to survive in.
3. The rabbit was so fast that the dog couldn’t catch it.
The rabbit was too fast for the dog couldn’t catch.
The rabbit wasn’t slow enough for the dog couldn’t catch it.
It was such a fast rabbit that the dog couldn’t catch it.
4. The sign was so small that Mary couldn’t see it.
The sign was too small for Mary couldn’t see it.
The sign wasn’t big enough for Mary couldn’t see it.
It was such a small sign that Mary couldn’t see it.

Unit 18
10: 1.As a result
2. Therefore
3. Consequently
4. As a consequently
12: that
2. so that
3. so that that
5. so that
13: 1. d
2. b
3. c
4. e
Unit 19
11: 0. Comparative superlative
1. Spicy spicier spiciest
2. Strong stronger strongest
3. Fattening more fattening most fattening
4. Nutritious more nutritious most nutritious
5. Delicious more delicious most delicious
6. Rich richer richest
7. Juicy juicier juiciest
8. Disgusting more disgusting most disgusting
9. Tasty tastier tastiest
10. Hot hotter hottest
11. Good better best
12. Bad worse worst
13. Little less least
12: The food at Ed’s restaurant is not as tasty as at Paul’s. the food at Paul’s tastier than the food at Ed’s.

Unit 20
10: 1.c
2. e
11: 1. Must
2. may/might
4. may/might
12: 1.d
3. g
5. a
14: 1. She must be coming back.
2. He may lost his way.
3.He can’t have failed his exams.
4.She could have forget the appointment.
5.She can’t have committed the crime.
6. She might lied to you.
7.She must be till working in her office.
8.They could have been sleeping when you called them.
9. He can’t have paid the rent.

Unit 21
14: 1. boring
4. exciting
6. thrilling
7. interested
8. embarrassing
16: 1. Listen, go
2. to watch, visit
3. to play, play
4. write, learn read, read
6.traveling to traveling
17: 1. So do I.
2. So am I.
3.Nor will I.
4. So do I.

Unit 22
9: 1.She has her clothes made by Zuciano.
2. She has her house cleaned by the maids.
3. She has her car washed by the chauffeur.
4. She has her shopping delivered by the supermarket.
5. She has her letters typed by the chef.
11: 1.Sue has the living room painted.
2. Bob will have a photo of him took.
3.Marcy’s must have her eyes test.
4. Helen’s must have his car service.
5.Tom’s must have his jeans shorten.
6. Fiona’s had been the flat has been decorated.

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