Sunday, December 12, 2010


Unit 1
Ex-14:  1-f
Unit 2
Ex-13:  1.who
Ex-14:  1.who`s
Ex-15:  1.A shark is animal which eats meat.
            2.A builder is someone who build flat. 
            3.A doctor is someone who health people.
            4.Washing machine is machine  which washes clothes.
            5.Camera is machine machine which take a photo.
Ex-18:  1.with
Unit 3
Ex-10:  1-b
Ex-11:  1.was having,was stealing
            2.has been repaired
            3.has been lying
            4.were exploring,was appearing
            5.was skiing,was breaking
           6.has been working
Ex-13:  1.ago
Ex-14:  1.We haven`t been fishing since last summer.
            2.It`s the first time she has eaten Chinese food.
            3.How long is it since he went to Naples?
            4.We haven`t eaten out for a long time.'
            5.He hasn`t been to Delhi for 5years.
Unit 4
Ex-17:  1.The island was so peaceful that we felt completely relaxed.It was such a peaceful island that we felt  completely relaxed.
    2.The museum was so amazing that we spent a whole day there.It was such an amazing museum the we spent a whole day there.
    3.The hotel was so noisy that I didn`t sleep.It was such a noisy hotel that I didn`t sleep.
    4.The streets were crowded that we missed the appointment.Its were such crowded streets that we missed the appointment.
Unit 5
Ex-7:   1-c
Ex-9: A 1.was looking
             3.were running
             6.was walking
             9.were staring
        B  1.was raining
            2.was blowing
            3.was walking
            7.was getting
      C   1.was working
            2.was digging
            5.was being
Ex-10:  1.He was running fast,carrying a big box.
            2.They were standing at the edge of the cliff,admiring the view.
            3.Tim was watching TV,eating his supper.
Ex-11:  1.sailing
Unit 6 
Ex-7:   1-b
Ex-8:   1.had already started
           2.had shown
           3.had been traveling
           4.had been typing
           5.had saved
           6.had been practicing
           7.had been looking
           8.had left
Ex-10:  must=have to
            mustn`t=don`t have to
           are not allowed to=needn`t
Ex-11:  In the museum,you
                 a.mustn`t take photos
                 b.must buy a guidebook
                 c.needn`t leave your bags at the door
                 d.mustn`t touch the exhibits
    In the hotel,you
                 a.mustn`t disturb the other guests
                 b.must leave the room by 12:00
                 c.needn`t tidy your room
                 d.mustn`t leave any valuable in the room
Ex-13:  Hippos are bigger teeth than giraffes.
            Hippos are bigger mouth than giraffes.
            Hippos are as heavy as giraffes.
            Hippos are longless neck than giraffes.  
            Hippos aren`t as tall as giraffes.
            Hippos are fatter than giraffes.
            Hippos are run fastless than giraffes.
            Hippos are as dangerous as giraffes.
Unit 7
Ex-12:  1.Fiona`s eyes were red.She had been weeping for all night.
            2.Tim felt exhausted.He had been working in the field for 3 hours.
            3.John was dirty.He had been fixing his car for hours.
            4.Ann felt sleepy.She had been watching TV for all night.
Ex-13:,had prepared
            2.took,had been working
            3.was,had ever seen
            4.entered,had drawn
            5.had finished,called
            6.arrived,had left
            7.had been traveling,had decided
            8.had been,had turned on
Unit 8
Ex-7:   1-c
Ex-10:  1.will
   going to
   going to
   going to
Ex-11:  1.will
Ex-13:  1.If  I get a promotion,I'll buy a car.
             2.If  I get a promotion,I'll go on a cruise.
             3.If I get a promotion,I'll move to a bigger house.
             4.If I get a promotion,I'll buy some new clothes.
             5.If I get a promotion,I'll have a party.
Ex-14:  1.We may go on a picnic unless it rains.
             2.I'll build more schools if i become president.
             3.The dog won't bite you unless you bother it.
             4.I won't go shopping unless I have time.
             5.I'll buy a new jacket If I can afford It.
             6.I won't get a promotion unless I work hard.
Ex-15:  1.If  I drive through the city,I'll run into traffic. If I run into traffic,
               I'll be late for my interview.If im late for my interview,I won't get the job.If i don't get the job,
               I won't be able to pay my rent
    2.If I don't study.I won't pass my exams.If I don't pass my exams,I won't be able to stay in this school.
        If i can't stay in this school,i can't get a good career.If i can't get a good career, i won't be able to live on  my own.
Unit 9
Ex-8:   1.statement sentence
           2.question sentence
    a.The sentence in the speech bubble said that they will,but the other one said that they would.
    b.The sentence in the speech bubble said why do you but,the other one said why did you thin.
Ex-9:   1-said
Ex-10:  1. The doctor told me he has been seeing patients all morning.
            2.The boy told his mother he forgot to walk the dog.
            3.Craig told his wife that there are not going to tonight.
            4.The man told someone he is looking for a job.
            5.He told me he just finished his homework.
            6.The boss told me he needs another secretary
Ex-11:  1.asked
            3.time words
Ex-12:  1."What do you want to eat" Fred said.
             2."Your friend is waiting for you"Ann said to Frank.
             3."I have paid the bills" said Mr.Jones.
             4."I didn't buy anew dress yet"Helen said to Janet.
             5."could you help me with my homework"said Sue
Ex-13:  I asked her if she had to weardresses all the time.
            I also wanted to know if she dances and if she could read english.
Unit 10
Ex-10:  1-a


Unit 12
10: 1. were found
2. examined lifted
4. is found
5. will be made
6. will be cleaned
7. be put
8. have been discovered
11: 1. An expedition is being prepared by John Mills to the North pole
2.The expedition will be filmed by many TV networks
3. The expedition is being gone to show by they on national television
4. All the necessary equipment has been already bought by John Mill
5.An observation camp is being gone to set up by he there
6. Objections to this expedition have been raised by many people

Unit 13
12: 1. Famine: The starring people have been sent food to help by them
2. Earthquake: It was shook awake by it
3. Volcanic eruption: Warning’s was gave by television stations before it exploded
4. Flood: Even more rain is expected by the weather reporters in the next few days
5. Drought: People has been asked by the government not to waste water
14: 1. Will be sent
2. are being taken
3. weren’t informed
4. was dropped on the
5. have been found
6. have been by rescued
7. is being carried by

15: 1.The town Hall was burnt by James Smith last month. He was sent by the judge to prison for five
2. A serious accident was caused by a careless driver, he is being gone to send by them to prison for four years.
3.An old lady was being attacking by Craig Me Drew when police arrested him last week. He has been sent by judge to prison a for fifteen years.

Unit 14

12: 1. I wish I hadn’t lied to my best friend.
2. I wish I couldn’t afford to go on holiday.
3. I wish I hadn’t broken my legs hurts.
4. I wish I hadn’t failed my exams.
5. I wish my mum wasn’t angry with me.
6. I wish I hadn’t missed an important meeting.
7. I wish I was old enough to get a driving licence.
13: 1. I wish I had a friend. If I had a friend , I couldn’t feel lonely.
2. I wish I had a job. If I had a job, I might be happy.
3. I wish I hadn’t a headache. If I hadn’t a headache, I would work faster.
14: 1. I wish we had checked petrol tank. If we had checked petrol tank, it wouldn’t have run out of petrol.
2. I wish I woken up early. If I woken up early I wouldn’t miss the bus.
3. I wish I had been careful. If I had been careful , I couldn’t twist my knee.
15: 1. Couldn’t fired
2. hadn’t spend
3. had
4. would found
5. finds
6. didn’t have to
7. will lose
8. wouldn’t have been
9. would have been
10. had followed, wouldn’t lose

Unit 15

14: 1. to take part
2. to learn
3. to play
4. to try
5. being
6. to exercise
7. finding
8. to paradise
9. becoming
16: 1. Playing
2. to play
3. practise
4. to doing, doing
5. be
6. meet
7. seeing
8. to get up play
10. tidy

Unit 16

14: 1.dry yourself
2. burnt herself
3. hurt himself
4. help yourself
5. enjoyed himself
6. killed themselves
15: 1. Will be
2. lost
3. wouldn’t have died
4. would have passed
6. stop

Unit 17
16: 1. Such
2. so
3. so
4. such a
19: 1. Enough
2. enough
3. too
4. too
6. enough
7. too
20: 1.The bridge was too low for the lorry to pass under.
The bridge wasn’t high enough the lorry to pass under.
The bridge so high that the lorry couldn’t pass under.
It was such a low bridge that the lorry couldn’t pass under.
2.This ocean is not warm enough for tropical fish to survive in.
This ocean is too cold for tropical fish to survive in.
This ocean is so cold that the tropical fish to survive in.
It is such a cold ocean that the tropical fish to survive in.
3. The rabbit was so fast that the dog couldn’t catch it.
The rabbit was too fast for the dog couldn’t catch.
The rabbit wasn’t slow enough for the dog couldn’t catch it.
It was such a fast rabbit that the dog couldn’t catch it.
4. The sign was so small that Mary couldn’t see it.
The sign was too small for Mary couldn’t see it.
The sign wasn’t big enough for Mary couldn’t see it.
It was such a small sign that Mary couldn’t see it.

Unit 18
10: 1.As a result
2. Therefore
3. Consequently
4. As a consequently
12: that
2. so that
3. so that that
5. so that
13: 1. d
2. b
3. c
4. e
Unit 19
11: 0. Comparative superlative
1. Spicy spicier spiciest
2. Strong stronger strongest
3. Fattening more fattening most fattening
4. Nutritious more nutritious most nutritious
5. Delicious more delicious most delicious
6. Rich richer richest
7. Juicy juicier juiciest
8. Disgusting more disgusting most disgusting
9. Tasty tastier tastiest
10. Hot hotter hottest
11. Good better best
12. Bad worse worst
13. Little less least
12: The food at Ed’s restaurant is not as tasty as at Paul’s. the food at Paul’s tastier than the food at Ed’s.

Unit 20
10: 1.c
2. e
11: 1. Must
2. may/might
4. may/might
12: 1.d
3. g
5. a
14: 1. She must be coming back.
2. He may lost his way.
3.He can’t have failed his exams.
4.She could have forget the appointment.
5.She can’t have committed the crime.
6. She might lied to you.
7.She must be till working in her office.
8.They could have been sleeping when you called them.
9. He can’t have paid the rent.

Unit 21
14: 1. boring
4. exciting
6. thrilling
7. interested
8. embarrassing
16: 1. Listen, go
2. to watch, visit
3. to play, play
4. write, learn read, read
6.traveling to traveling
17: 1. So do I.
2. So am I.
3.Nor will I.
4. So do I.

Unit 22
9: 1.She has her clothes made by Zuciano.
2. She has her house cleaned by the maids.
3. She has her car washed by the chauffeur.
4. She has her shopping delivered by the supermarket.
5. She has her letters typed by the chef.
11: 1.Sue has the living room painted.
2. Bob will have a photo of him took.
3.Marcy’s must have her eyes test.
4. Helen’s must have his car service.
5.Tom’s must have his jeans shorten.
6. Fiona’s had been the flat has been decorated.


Bellow,I`m telling about me detailed.

Its all about me
My name is Naranmegzer.I`m just student.

I`m not tall and well-built.I have got short brown and curly hair,not large eyes with flake and full lips.I always wear fitting clothes to me.

I`m responsible.You can always trust me to do what you ask me to do.I`m also decisive,I make decisions quickly. On the other hand,I often tend to be rather bossy.Cause I like telling other people what to do.

My lifestyle is very simple.When I`m not studying,my favourite activities are play PC games and meet my friends.And I like travelling to countryside with my family in summer.

"My vacations"
I spent my summer vacation very interestingly.In this summer,I`ve only travelled through the beautiful countryside of Mongolia.And I traveled with my family.
The first place we stopped at "Hovsgol",the capital of "Hovsgol" aimag.When we were there," national holiday of the westerly"was being celebrated and the so many people was to see it there.The weather was very dry and hot climate.
2days later,we went to the "Hovsgol",which is the most fresh water lake of Asia.Mongolians called the lake "Hovsgol sea",because which is the second lake large in size in Mongolia.There was very damp and coolness.Also,was being for fog to descended in the morning.The people of many countries was in order to travel and see the "Hovsgol sea" there.This aimag is famous for the"white fish".As well as,there is the only flood gate of Mongolia.
Next place is "Noyon Hangai" spa of the "Hatgal" sum of the "Arhangai" aimag.This is geyser,situated in north-western back lap of the "Noyon Hangai" and "Hatan Hangai".This place is away from capital of "Hangai" sum by 17-18km.The spa is with sulfurous,sour smell,colorless and clear.The spa1s temperature due to 30-35cells,so it`s suitable for body.The construction is with 2 types,which are have and drink.
Finally,we reached to the "Terhiin tsagaan nuur" of the "Arhangai" aimag.In this year,there was getting out of rain,the watermark had grown.While we was being there,the weather was being awake and damp.
I have been traveling through the my fatherland.As such,I always proud of nature of Mongolia.I always worry about our planet.

Problems of the Planet
The earth is considered as one of the most beautiful planets in the universe. It is the only planet in our galaxy that has enough water to support life. Unfortunately our planet is suffering due to many problems which should be solved before it is too late. The major problems that are facing our world today are population, pollution and animal extinction. One of the problems facing our world is population. It began about ten thousand years ago when the humans settled and began farming. The farming provides more food for the people thus making the population grow. Now we are about 6 billion in population and in a few years we will be around 10 to 11 billion. Therefore, our population will almost double in size. This means that we will need more food to support us. A study in 1986 by Peter Vitonesk, a Stanford biologist, showed that the humans are already consuming about 38.8 of what is possible for us to eat. Thus, if the population keeps increasing, the percentage will increase also, making us closer and closer to the biophysical limits. By studying the earth’s capacity, Dr. Cornell, another biologist, believes that we are already crowded for this would. He believes that our world can only support two million people. Not only this, but population can cause complicated problems to the countries with very high population. These countries will need more schools to educate its people, they will need more hospitals and public health to take care of their people, and they will need more water and more soil for farming to feed all the people. In order to solve the population growth problem, the people should be educated. Once the people are educated they will be aware of the problems they cause when they have more than two children. Therefore the next generation should be educated and aware of what is going around them. Pollution is another major factor that is threatening our world today. One example of pollution is nitrogen. Humans are adding about 130 to 150 million tons over the 90 to 150 tons that are produced by the nitrogen cycle. This excess in nitrogen causes coastal waters and estuaries to grow toxic algae, killing the fish and trapping the solar heat in the air. Another example of pollution is methane. Methane is produced by gases released by cows, termite mounds or by the bottom of rice paddy. If found in the air methane is very poisonous. By raising more cattle, cutting more tropical forests, thus increasing the amount of termites, and by growing more rice, the methane concentration in the air is almost twice as higher as it was 160,000 years ago. Smoke is another pollution factor. Smoke that is produced by cars contains carbon dioxide (CO2). This carbon dioxide in the air causes global warming, which results in the green house effect and climate changes. Satellite studies show that perhaps we will increase the temperature by 3.6 degrees by the year 2001. The warmer the weather the more water it can hold, the higher the precipitation will be. The higher the precipitation the more clouds, the more rain, and the more snow there will be. This will result in more storms and floods. Studies by Thomas Karl of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration showed that the total winter precipitation in the US has increased to about 10% since 1900. All these pollution factors result in raising the water level and melting of the icebergs. This means that the low land islands will be flooded with water. This is a very big problem because the water level will never go down and the icebergs will never grow back. Education of the people, their guidance, and effective law are major tools to compact pollution. The third major problem facing our world today is animal extinction. Animal species are dying off at a fast rate. There are two main reasons for animal extinction. The first reason for animal extinction is caused by humans. The humans have become every animals’ most dangerous rival. Humans’ carelessness, ignorance and greed caused many animals to disappear from our planet. Over hunting is one of the threats that leads to animal extinction. In the third world countries, some of the animals are hunted for their skins or tusks thus endangering the existence of those animals. Also because of the increasing population, the humans are destroying the animal habitats in order to increase the living area. Pollution produced by the humans and dumped into an animal’s environment also tends to endanger our species. Animal extinction are primarily caused by human activities, but there are also other natural factors which contribute to the reduction of animal life. Examples of these factors are natural disasters, climate changes, and unsuccessful competition for resources with other species. Of course, there is no solution that helps save the animals from the natural factors, but there is a solution to stop the humans from leading to the extinction of the animals. Very strict laws should be applied to control and stop excessive hunting and prohibit killing rare animals. If these three major problems continue to increase, then our mother earth will no longer be the wonderful planet that we once lived on. But we should not forget that science and scientists have great challenges to limit the magnitude of the three mentioned problems. Increasing the unit of production in agriculture, industry as well as in services will lessen the degree of those problems. The world achievements are great in the present century and for sure will be greater in the century we are approaching. More rational use of resources, more effective remedy of pollution and more scientific family planning will surely change the pessimism to optimism in out beautiful world. To conclude, all nations, rich or poor, have great responsibility to challenge the problems that confront our world. Indeed it is a healthy sign that nations meet and discuss policies and strategies, but the most important element in the whole process is the implementation of what has been agreed upon. In order for earth to support us, we have to support it first.I usually watch movie in my free time.

High School Musical

High School Musical is a 2006 American television film, first in the High School Musical film franchise. Upon its release on January 20, 2006, it became the most successful film that Disney Channel Original Movie (DCOM) ever produced,[2][3] with a television sequel High School Musical 2 released in 2007 and the feature film High School Musical 3: Senior Year released to theaters in October 2008. It is the first Disney Channel Original Movie to have a theatrical sequel. [4] The film's soundtrack was the best-selling album in the United States for 2006.[5]
High School Musical was Disney Channel's most watched film that year with 7.7 million viewers in its premiere broadcast in the US.[6] In the UK, it received 789,000 viewers for its premiere (and 1.2 million viewers overall during the first week), making it the second most watched program for the Disney Channel (UK) of 2006. On December 29, 2006, it became the first Disney Channel Original Movie to be broadcast on the BBC. Globally, High School Musical has been seen by over 225 million viewers.[7]
With a plot described by the author and numerous critics as a modern adaptation of Romeo & Juliet,High School Musical is a story about two high school juniors from rival cliques – Troy Bolton (Zac Efron), captain of the basketball team, and Gabriella Montez (Vanessa Hudgens), a beautiful and shy transfer student who excels in math and science.[9] Together, they try out for the lead parts in their high school musical, and as a result, divide the school. Despite other students' attempts to thwart their dreams, Troy and Gabriella resist peer pressure and rivalry, inspiring others along the way not to "stick to the status quo". Sharpay Evans (Ashley Tisdale), a drama queen and high school diva will do anything to sabotage the friendship between Troy and Gabriella and also get a lead in the school musical.
High School Musical was filmed at East High School located in Salt Lake City, Utah, the auditorium of Murray High School, and Downtown Salt Lake City. Murray High School was also the set of several other Disney productions: Take Down Read It and Weep (2006), Minutemen (2008)[10] and High School Musical: Get in the Picture (2008).

Troy and Gabriella meet at a New Year's Eve party while both are at a ski lodge during winter break. Troy is the captain of East High School's basketball team, and Gabriella is portrayed as shy and academic. At the party, the two are called upon to sing karaoke together (Start of Something New). They seem to be attracted to each other, and exchange numbers before parting.
After break, Troy sees Gabriella in his homeroom, and she explains that she just moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico and transferred to East High over break. Troy shows Gabriella around the school, and they pause in front of the sign-up sheet for the winter musical auditions. This alarms Drama Club president Sharpay Evans, who assumes that Gabriella is interested in auditioning. Wanting to eliminate competition, Sharpay investigates the new girl and arranges for the scholastic decathlon captain, Taylor, to find out about Gabriella's past academic achievements.
During basketball practice, Troy has trouble focusing because his thoughts are on Gabriella and the idea that he might enjoy singing more (Get'cha Head In the Game). Gabriella and Troy both go to the musical auditions where Sharpay and her brother Ryan perform (What I've Been Looking For) but both are too shy to audition. When Gabriella finally summons the courage to step forward, Troy offers to sing with her, but Ms. Darbus tells them that they are too late. After Ms. Darbus apparently leaves, Kelsi, the composer of the musical, trips and drops her things. Troy and Gabriella rush to help her, and they sing together as Kelsi plays piano (What I've Been Looking For (Reprise)). Ms. Darbus overhears them and gives them a callback audition.
When the callback list is posted, Sharpay is furious to learn that she has competition for the lead in the musical, and the rest of the Wildcats are shocked that Troy and Gabriella have auditioned for a musical. Other students confess their own secret passions and talents (Stick To The Status Quo), alarming both Taylor and Troy's friend Chad. Since Gabriella has agreed to join the scholastic decathlon team, both Taylor and Chad want their teammates to focus on their upcoming competitions rather than the musical. To help Troy and Gabriella return to normal, Chad and the basketball team trick Troy into saying that Gabriella is not important while she watches through a wi-fi link that the scholastic decathlon team has set up. Gabriella is hurt (When There Was Me And You), she refuses to talk to Troy and decides not to audition for the musical. Chad and Taylor feel guilty for ruining Troy and Gabriella's relationship, and decide to tell them the truth. After Chad and the basketball team tell Troy what they did and offer to support him in callbacks, Troy goes to Gabriella's house and they make up.
Intimidated after overhearing Gabriella and Troy practicing, Sharpay convinces Ms. Darbus to change the callback time to coincide with both the basketball championship and the scholastic decathlon, so that Gabriella and Troy cannot participate. Kelsi overhears the conversation and the basketball team and the decathlon team work together to come up with a plan. On the day of the competitions, Taylor and Gabriella use the schools computers to cause a series of mishaps that delay the big game and the decathlon. With both competitions delayed, Troy and Gabriella rush to the auditorium, and Sharpay and Ryan finish performing their song (Bop To The Top), confident that their plan worked. Troy and Gabriella then audition (Breaking Free) and Ms. Darbus gives Troy and Gabriella the lead roles, making Sharpay and Ryan understudies. Troy and Gabriella both win their respective competitions, and the film ends when the entire school gathers in the gym to celebrate (We're All In This Together).
It was very interesting series.So,I think you should watch this movie.I`m mongolian,so I suppose future of mongolia like bellow.

Mongolia is unique because of it’s integrity in nature,culture, history and hospitality. I am proud of Mongolian’s pristine nature, fresh air and glassland. Everyday Mongolian life changed. The population is about 2.5 milion people, but it is one of the least densely populated countries in the world. As the statistics suggest, the population of Mongolia will reach 4.4 million by 2050. I agree that if the population of the country increases, the economics would develop very raditly.
In future, there will be no ailment such as contagion, malignant. Because treatment will have developed very well. Also genetic engineering will have developed and scientist will start to duplicate human, animals.
Education will have changed a lot. Students will be using computer at home and study through internet. Moreover, most people will speak many languages. Chinese or English will become as a second Languages in Mongolia. All over the world, people will know Mongolia by high qualified employee.
All family will be robot in home so anyone will not doing homework and robot will be work.Mongolian future most problem is pure water.In the future water will be most expensive thing as jewel  as.Everypeople will be dream pure water.Maybe top scientist   will be produce assumed water.We need to only pure natural water.So we all should save water and world.
Isn't it easy life? And the most important thing is our planet will be more green and very clean if it can't be,there's no future..

I adore heatenism.Because I think it truly.However,I will make my future of course.So I believe myself for everything.

I always say myself,"Haste makes waste".

I`m normal guy,but I`m lord of the my life and my future.