Thursday, April 26, 2012

WB Unit4

Unit 4       Workbook

Lesson A: Birthdays
1. What month is it?
1A:    January         April             July                      October
         February       May             August                 November
         March           June             September            December
1B: 1. first             4. seventh
      2. third            5. tenth
      3. sixth            6. twelfth
2. When's her birthday?
  1. Halle Berry's birthday is on August fourteenth.
      Halle Berry's birthday is on the fourteenth of August.
  2. Jackie Chan's birthday is on April seventh.
      Jackie Chan's birthday is on the seventh of April.
  3. Jude Law's birthday is on December twenty-ninth.
      Jude Law's birthday is on the twenty-ninth of  December.
  4. Drew Barrymore's birthday is on February twenty second.
      Drew Barrymore's birthday is on the twenty second of  February.
  5. Sofia Coppola's birthday is on May fourteenth.
      Sofia Coppola's birthday is on the fourteenth of  May.
  6. Ronaldo's birthday is on September twenty second.
      Ronaldo's birthday is on the twenty second of  September.
3. Future plans
  1. 1. are you going to do                                 2. 1. are going to take
  2. am going to see                                                2. to be
  3. are going to have                                             3. isn't going to
  4. is it going to be                                                4. are going to walk
  5. are not going to do
  6. is going to bake
  7. are going to take 
4. Happy birthday!
         you,  them, her, me, us, her, them, you

Lesson B: Special days
1. Good times
   1. wear a cap and gown, get a diploma
   2. sing " Happy birthday" , blow out the candle
   3. go out for a romantic dinner , give her chocolates
   4. shout "Happy new Year" , see fireworks
   5. have a reception, exchange rings.
   6. wear costumes, go trick-or-treating
2. A busy week.
   1. On May eighth, George is having lunch with his mother.
   2. On May ninth, George is meeting Ann for dinner.
   3. On May tenth, George is tennis playing after work.
   4. On May eleventh, George is having lunch with Joe.
   5. On May twelfth, George is Yoga before working
   6. On May third 2 o'clock, George is going to Keith and Karen’s wedding.
   7. On May fourth 5 o'clock, George is going to Jennifer's graduation party.
3. What's going to happen?
   1. It's not going to be sunny.
   2. It's not going to be trick-or-treating.
   3. It's not going to be flower.
   4. It's not going to be fireworks.
   5. It's going to be diploma.
   6. It's going to be snow.

Lesson C: Festivals and things.
1. "Vague" expressions.                                                                                                                   1. - everything, and everything, things like that, things like that, things like that, everything
            2.  And everything, things like that, and everything, things like that, things like that
            3. And everything, things like that, and everything, things like that, and everything
2.         2. It depend.
            3. Maybe. I think I give her little chain with jewelry.   
            4. I’m not sure. Maybe I see my younger brother tonight.
3.         1. Would you like to go to Chinese festival?
            2. I’m not sure. What kind of festival is it exactly?
            3. It’s for Chinese New Year.
            4. Ok. So, what do people do? 
            5. Lots of things, like lion dances and everything!
6. Well, I don’t know. I’m not big on dances and stuff like that.
7. But you can also shop for cool Chinese gift and things.
8. Uh, maybe, but I don’t have money for shopping right now.
9. Well, at least the food is great, and it’s free.
10. There is going to the free food? Great, I’d love to go.

Lesson D         Traditions
1.      A.
1. Why people celebrate Mother’s day?
2. History of the holiday.
3. When is Mother’s day?
4. Tradition ways to celebrate
5. Ideas for Mother’s Day
1.B      1. Mother’s day come from England.
            2. England took small gifts and special cake called “simnel cake”
            3. England called “Mothering Sunday”.
            4. In Brazil and Japan, it’s on the second Sunday in October
            5. Mother’s Day morning, some children bring their mothers breakfast in bed. Other give their mothers gifts they made especially for this holiday. And adults buy their mothers flowers or send them cards

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